• ronaldo.lidorio@gmail.com
  • Brasil

Curso gratuito e online “Plantio de Igrejas”

Participe do curso gratuito e online “Plantio de Igrejas” com Ronaldo Lidório, teólogo e doutor em Missiologia com foco em plantio e revitalização de igrejas. Neste curso, abordaremos a fundamentação teológica e os princípios essenciais para o plantio de igrejas, baseados nos modelos bíblicos. Além disso, exploraremos estratégias para ambientes nacionais e transculturais, urbanos e rurais, e também refletiremos sobre…

Hope for All

Welcome to “Hope for All,” a charitable organization committed to bringing hope and positive change to the lives of individuals in need. Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and overcome challenges. Programs and Initiatives: Shelter and Relief: We provide shelter, food, and essential supplies to those affected by homelessness,…

Empower for Tomorrow

Welcome to “Empower for Tomorrow,” a charitable organization dedicated to creating a better future for underserved communities. Our mission is to uplift lives and provide opportunities for growth, education, and sustainable development. Programs and Initiatives: Join Us: We believe that together, we can make a difference. You can support our cause by volunteering your time, making donations, or spreading awareness…